Despite the Russian invasion we decided to continue with our cultural program, with a screening of “Home Games” last week.
It was a sober, supportive, and communal evening. We expressed our worries about the invasion of our country, and discussed the situation of the main character of the film, Alina, and the current state she is in.
After the screening, Ukrainian activist Liza Plitkova announced the creation of Alliance of Ukrainian Organizations –– an association of Ukrainian diaspora non-governmental organizations.

ARD Journalist Barbara Behrendt recorded the evening and had an opportunity to witness our main statement: we are expressly not a peaceful cultural bridge between Ukrainian and Russian artists. As long as they are killing us, we consider them our enemies.
“The Ukrainian film club has long been considered an insider tip in Eastern European cinema. But when CineMova Berlin invites you to its film evening in times of war, it is not just about culture.”
Ukrainischer Kinoabend im Schatten des Krieges

We collected 136 euros from ticket sales and an additional 170 euros from your donations. All money was transferred to a trusted NGO, Vostok SOS, which is doing valuable humanitarian work in an active war zone.
Thank you for being with us in this difficult time.
Warm regards,
Team of CineMova. Ukrainian Film Community Berlin e.V. / Ukrainischer Kinoklub Berlin